Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kohunlich Ruin, Quintanna Roo, Mexico, 2010

Every time I go onto the grounds of another ruin, I am yet again amazed at the civilization that flourished there. This one 600-1200 AD.

This is the shrine (?) of the masks. See detail next. And it was hot in here that day in March!

The masks face in a direction which implies a close connection to a civilzation in the area of Belize.

Pardon me, but I just ain't up for running up all those steps anymore!!
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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

El Roy, the King!

Behold, the king!
El Roy Rules!!

Is El Roy the new Leader of the Pack??
Here with two loyal subjects, his mistress, Bug, and the Coop.
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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Up on the Roof!

Rain delays, rain delays. Finally, two days the guys can work, and work they do!

There is no getting around it, this is hard work with some heavy lifting. At least they don't have to carry shingles up a ladder any more, or pound nails out of a can.

And it leaves a mess! But that will be gone soon enough too.

Buncombe Roofing, Danny Limeberry, Owner.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

At Vino Vino-celebrating there too!

Celebrating at Vino, Vino with John (owner) and Emily, former wine specialist.

John, owner of neatest wine shop in town! (And the only wine shop in Woodfin, NC!)

We get to taste beer at Vino, Vino too! This was a great stout from Sri Lanka, of all places!

Emily, our hostess.
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At Dirty Jack's, celebrating taking down the wallpaper!

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The Latest Snow, March 2,2010

Looking out on the deck.

About to come down the driveway. Unfortunately, under those heavily laden evergreens, there are a lot of broken limbs that will need to be cut away when the spring thaw comes!

The store downtown. Check out that paint job!

The morning hikers, Russ & Jackie.
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Oh, Christmas Tree, Oh Chritsmas Tree!!

This was a Christmas tree in our living room when I was a kid in Black Mountain. And that's me under it. When we planted the tree, I was taller than the tree! The tree and I must be about the same age, i.e., about 65. I am amazed and delighted that no one has chopped it down! The house in the background was our house, but it has been remodeled and bears no resemblance to the house we lived in! Nor does the rest of the now, redneck, trailer trash neighborhood!
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Monday, February 22, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

More litter photos

And they come in all sizes, all colors, and in all places, good, bad or inexplicable.

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Litter in downtown Asheville!

One of my pet peeves about my hometown, Asheville, NC, is that there seems to be no controlling this LITTER around the city.

These paper boxes LITTER our sidewalks at every turn. You'd think city council would wake up to this one day. Maybe when some organization chains one to their desk they will take note.

Go ahead, start screaming now about freedom of the press! What about your responsibility to your community? Other cities have neat, uniform boxes that display numerous publications on the box. And you can see a very few of them around town.

These eyesores LITTER the town to the number of well over 100.
Im' thinking the city council is missing a great revenue source. How about charging EACH box owner $25 a week to put their box on the street?
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Saturday, February 06, 2010

More 2010 Blizzard Photos from McDaniel College

The photos here are
by another student at McDaniel, Lin Sun Oo

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