Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kohunlich Ruin, Quintanna Roo, Mexico, 2010

Every time I go onto the grounds of another ruin, I am yet again amazed at the civilization that flourished there. This one 600-1200 AD.

This is the shrine (?) of the masks. See detail next. And it was hot in here that day in March!

The masks face in a direction which implies a close connection to a civilzation in the area of Belize.

Pardon me, but I just ain't up for running up all those steps anymore!!
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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

El Roy, the King!

Behold, the king!
El Roy Rules!!

Is El Roy the new Leader of the Pack??
Here with two loyal subjects, his mistress, Bug, and the Coop.
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