Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monday, July 30, 2012

Bele Chere 2012

 Hi, everyone!  Welcome to Bele Chere 2012!
Beth Stickle at her Bloomin' Art booth on Haywood.

Yes, thanks to the volunteers!!  Without volunteers, this event would not occur, from board to street information folks.

 Festival goer Roan, out for his daily constitutional.

 Here come da judge, here come da judge!!
City Festival Coordinator, Sandra Travis, left, and her left hand, Kristen "KP" Perez, Vendors and whatever is left.

The "Bored" at work, after art awards.

 Bele Chere can wear out even the best of us!

 Mime in Wells Fargo door with curious on looker.

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Friday, July 06, 2012

Maddreys celebrate 60th wedding anniversary

Maddreys celebrate 60th wedding anniversary: Bob and Kitty Williams Maddrey celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on the weekend of June 1, 2012, with a family gathering at the home of Jimmy and Vicky Maddrey in Hampstead, Md. Hosts we...

Monday, July 02, 2012

Colorado National Park, Grand Junction, Colorado, November 2011

I can't believe I have not put these up before now.  This is an awesome place.  If you can't get to the Grand Canyon, this will do fine for a day tour.  And since we were there on or about Veterans' Day, admission was free.