Friday, November 30, 2012


You want it, they'll bring it!

Following the pig.
Maybe "Designers' Showcase" needs to see this!
Frank Benton, regular, to say the least!
Should bought this tee shirt!!!  Next time!
Some "regulars"-or did they come with the building?  Frances and Frank, with Arianna.
I remember the trains rolling through town, somehow always exciting.
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Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

The Desert hit of the day:  Apple/Cranberry pie-with ice cream!!

Still MY favorite:  Sweet potato pie and Jackie makes the best


Erin, aka, "the girl", and poor little Hairy, always the subject of love!

Note amount of whipped cream on pie.

Hairy wants to just lie in front of the 'fridge and be warm.

Freddie the Foot Warmer

Ready to cook potatoes and Brussel sprouts

Ready, table set, EAT!!

 Chef Fred

The object of our food lust, ready to be cooked on the grill.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Collard Festival 2012

 The table, with the traditional collard leaf as center piece.

The ORIGINAL Collard Fest group less one, "G".  L - R:  Martha, Jean, Stevie, Bill, Jackie, and Andrew (busy w/camera).  Missed you, "G"!

Celebration/Welcoming of our new Rector, The Rev. Dr. Scott White, Nov. 11, 2012

 Getting ready
The Sanctuary
 The Bishop's Chair

 Reception in Fellowship Hall
Jackie talking with our guest speaker, the Bishop the Diocese of North Carolina, The Very Rev. James Currie.  And what a preacher he is!

The Honorable Susan Dotson-Smith

 Smitty's swearing in as District Court Judge,
 Madeline & Heather and Smitty & Serena
 Judge Dotson-Smith & daughter, Serena
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